Find the Pairs – Balance the Light & Shadow
Up to 5 Attempts per Person – Top 3 times Win!
Weekly Game Updates @ https://discord.gg/ancientoasis
Compete for weekly prizes playing different mind games with brain freeze. Top time will win a Skadi Tower, Expedition Pack. 2nd and 3rd place will win both a Cave of Wonder & Tempest Peak Prize! Check back weekly for new games!

1st Prize
Skadi Tower, Arctic Expedition
- Up to 10 Rewards
- 6 Standard Slots (70% Gemshards / 18% Creature Coin / 12% Blendstones)
- 3 Bonus Slots with 60% Drop Chance (vs. 50% with Standard Packs)
- 1 Guaranteed 10th Slot with 15% Chance of Echo Key, Legendary Artifact

2nd & 3rd Prizes
Cave of Wonder & Tempest Peak
- Up to 3 Rewards
(2 Rewards + 50% chance for 3rd Reward) - 80% Gem Shards
Used to upgrade Common to Rare Creatures, or combine 5 to create a Blendstone - 10% Blendstones
Used to Upgrade Rare to Epic Creatures - 10% Creature Coins
Redeemable for 12 Common Creatures